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June Peak Month In Michigan Tornado Season

DETROIT (WWJ) - Tornado season in Michigan is right around the corner with June usually being the peak month.

With many cities across the U.S. such as St. Louis have been seeing tornadoes rip through. Can we expect the same for Michigan?

"We are going to see an increase, especially in this next batch of storms that are coming through, the threat from tornadoes is definitely much higher than what we've been seeing previously this month or this season," said Accuweather's Maggie Johnson.

Johnson said that's when we get a lot of severe thunderstorms.

"We see those work their way across and it just tends to be the most dangerous for us here in Michigan is during the summer, so in the spring, really it's the Ohio River Valley that gets all of the severe weather, but it hits here (Michigan) in the middle of the summer," she said.

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