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Bill's Blog: The Nerve!

After our show every day we usually unwind in our office by watching videos on Youtube or looking at what we call "crack sites" such as TMZ, The Superficial or D-Listed. Friday was no exception. Next to our office is a room we call The Bullpen. This is where all of the shows do their prep and get ready for that day's program. This room also faces our parking lot.

As we're maxin' and relaxin' in our office, someone in The Bullpen yells, "Hey Stoney, some guy set his coffee down on your car while he's on his cell phone. All of us pile into The Bullpen to see what's going on and we're watching this rude tool using Stoney's car as a saucer. The following video shows what went down as Stoney and I decided to get a closer look.

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