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Big Brother Season 15 Episode 26 Recap: Elissa's in Charge

By Mark Drum, CBS Detroit Blogger

I was really excited to see Elissa win HOH last night during the HOH competition and even though Helen had just been evicted getting the chance to come back, I was glad to see Judd come back in the game. Amanda, as always, continues to get too much airtime, but this time to rant about how scared she is that she may be up on the block and that she is not able to control Elissa. Elissa is a rogue player like Spencer. So it's good to see someone other than the 3 AM alliance in power1. Elissa is in charge and ready to take big targets. In the words of a defeated Amanda from tonight's episode, "It's a Elissa's world and we're just living in it!"

Judd is Back & Elissa is HOH

Good to see Judd telling all the house guests that he wants to make a clean slate, even though they were the ones trying to evict him. During the HOH competition, I couldn't help but laugh every time they replayed the painful throws the automatic ball machine did to the houseguests. There were some sound byte worthy clips and will be interesting to see which one they'll choose for Wednesday's episode. My personal favorite is when Candice got hit and she says, "I got hit in my lady parts, I haven't had kids yet."

I was cracking up when she said this. It's not a surprise that the jurors wouldn't last as long as the current houseguests. It was smart for Helen to give intel to the other jurors during the competition, just in case she wasn't returning and I wonder whether or not Judd will use that info or stay true to his word that he'll start with a clean slate. Here's hoping Judd will win HOH next week. It's pretty clear Elissa isn't targeting him, since he's not as a huge threat as Amanda or Aaryn.

McManda should be scared

Amanda should be scared because even though McCrae and Aaryn are up on the block, Amanda is next in line to be on the chopping block. Putting on the water works to Elissa wasn't working and we saw Amanda slowly freaking out for her safety and her alliance. No surprise that McManda would throw Aaryn under the bus to immediately ensure their own safety. Worst case scenario would be Amanda winning POV and she'd take McCrae off the block, forcing Elissa to put up another houseguests and the selection is dwindling.

Aaryn reaping what was sown

After bathing in all that blood, karma is coming back. Though drinking the nail polish remover wasn't karma, but more a "testament to her sanity," as Aaryn so eloquently said. Just like Amanda, Aaryn is scared that she's going home, which most likely will happen and we'll see her going to the jury house. The only way she would be safe is if Amanda is backdoored and evicted. Aaryn's approach for reconciliation and gameplay with Elissa was a little ill-planned. Aaryn should have taken a page from Helen, by complimenting the houseguest and building (or in Aaryn's case patching) the relationship with Elissa. But it's a little too late for Aaryn and it's looking certain that she would be going home.

My Prediction for POV

Like I said, worst case scenario is Amanda winning POV. But Amanda would first need to be selected for the competition. I'm hoping that won't happen and we'll see her up on the block. I predict however she will be playing in the competition and win. Which will mean she'll remove McCrae from the chopping block as well as ensuring her own safety.

Tune in Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS 62 to find out who will win POV!

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