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Weatherman Accidentally Eats Cat Vomit On The Air

By: Sara

How? How does this happen? I guess we can safely start with the premise that Connecticut weatherman Scot Haney (Where is the second "t", Scot?) is an idiot. During a live segment on Tuesday morning, Scot spotted what he thought was a pile of Grape-Nuts on the floor by the anchor desk. It is a snack he eats often around the newsroom, and evidently he usually makes a mess. The answer to cleaning up that mess is NOT to then eat those Grape-nuts OFF THE FLOOR, Scot! That action alone is gross, and Haney IMMEDIATELY regrets his decision. As he is chewing those floor-nuts, Scot reveals that they are a little "soggy" and taste like a shoe. A few minutes later, a light bulb goes off in Haney's brain. THOSE AREN'T GRAPE-NUTS! They tasted like a shoe, because they were tracked in on a shoe (his shoe) after Haney had walked through his cat's puke earlier that morning. CAT PUKE! At least Haney had the decency to look like he was about to cough up a hairball after he made his realization.

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