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Tiny Hamster Eats Tiny Burrito; Video Changes Internet Forever

By: Evan Jankens

I am not a lover of soft and squishy animal videos on the Internet at all  -- But this video has me really saying "aww." It may not be the manliest thing to say -- but wow! When I first watched the video I didn't know where it was going, a guy was chopping ingredients and making a tiny burrito, which, by the way, would have fit perfectly in my hands.

Once the dude is finished making the burrito, he inspects it with a dentist tool. The burrito passed inspection so it was time to set up the table and chairs for the tiny hamster to eat the burrito.

The dude who made the burrito waited anxiously to see the hamster reaction to the burrito. Apparently he has a discerning palate.

The video has 4.2 million views on YouTube and was posted on April 29. I would say this is the definition of a viral video.

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