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Alabama's Alpha Phi Make Awesomely Bad Recruiting Video - Do People Like This Really Exist?

By: Evan Jankens

Long, blonde hair flying in the wind, blindingly white smiles, perfectly toned bodies moving in unison, not a cloud in the sky, ever ...

It sounds like a toothpaste commercial, but it's actually a recruiting video for Alabama's Alpha Phi sorority that makes it appear every one of its members giggle in glee  -- in matching outfits -- all day, every day.

I don't think I have ever seen a happier group of girls in my life. When you think of a room full of pretty girls, you would like there would maybe be some jealousy or even some animosity, heck, a brunette, but everything was scrubbed from this video

You see playful girls share laughs, jumping around on the football field and just genuinely enjoying each others company.

The video is going viral for its disregard of reality and overall cheesiness. It was pulled, apparently because it lacks any kind of diversity and portrays college students as girls who blow glitter and dance in matching jerseys all day long.

But honestly, after watching this I think becoming a 32-year-old college freshman is something that could be in my near future.

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