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Fulmer, Norris, Boyd Are The Three Best Friends On Twitter

So, Daniel Norris is growing a beard -- something of an offseason routine for the 24-year-old pitcher.

And Michael Fulmer, a beard guy himself, wants Norris to keep it.

Norris will oblige, so long as Fulmer shares some of his tricks.

Fulmer will oblige, so long as Norris shares one of his own.

Matthew Boyd wants the two to tone down the PDA.

Norris wants Boyd to stop being a downer.

The three starting pitchers for the Tigers really are "the three best friends that anyone could have."

As for anyone who doesn't appreciate Norris' and Fulmer's tendency to retweet rather than reply -- such as Sam here -- Norris has a solution.

Safe to say Fulmer, Norris and Boyd are eager to get the band back together. (Norris and Boyd, in particular, go way back.) Their reunion will likely come during TigersFest on Jan. 27.

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