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Karsch And Anderson Top Ten 9-1-11

Ways George Lucas updated Star Wars...
10. How did george update star wars Princess laya got a boob job Steve at work
9. Chibaca is now played by khole kardashian
8. Eric in Grand Rapids- sam casel is now playing the role of yoda
7. Things to expect from a bluray star wars... All ewoks are now digitally replaced with snooki.. Matt in warren
6. Feedback fun: things added to th star wars trilogy by george lucas: gene lamont tries to stop th death star from blowing up planet alderon. Death star goes right thru the stop sign. Mitch/Rochester
5. What to expect from bluray star wars... The millenium falcon was suped up and now has a hemi and spinners. Matt in warren
4. A couple of days after vader threw the emperor into the reactor roger goddell fined him $100,000 and the talking heads all said he was dirty player.
3. How did George Lucas update Star Wars: Darth and Luke will go on the Maury Povich show. "Darth Vader, you are the father"
2. The Emperor is played by Gary Bettman. DENNIS from DETROIT
1. Jobba the hut had gastoric bypass surgery. chris – redford


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