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Gator's Big Boss Man

By: Scott Anderson

Here he is in all his glory, the Big Boss Man! Is he the biggest frog you've ever seen? No, but he might be the biggest frog I've seen in Metro Detroit. It's not like I live in the Bayou next to Troy Landry where frogs grow the size of manhole covers.

The thing I really enjoy about BBM is that he isn't afraid of people, I walked right up and stood over him to take the picture without so much as a croak. He's got a little Honey Badger in him, he don't care! What you can't really see in the picture are the vibrant colors. He is spectacularly green on top and clearly yellow on his under side.

I suppose it's jumping the gun to assume his gender, but I'm not gonna check either…I respect his privacy. He is not alone in the pond, as there are somewhere between 5-10 other frogs hiding within the rocks along the water and currently 9 fish as well. The wildlife is great and these guys really help make my life more peaceful.

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