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Oakland University In Degree Deal With China's Changchun University of Technology

ROCHESTER -- Recognizing the world-wide need for engineers with broad international experience, Oakland University has announced an agreement with Changchun University of Technology to implement a joint undergraduate program in mechanical engineering.

In the program, students will spend their first two years studying at CCUT taking courses which mirror those taken in the first two years of study at OU. Then, the students will transfer to OU for their last two years and upon completion of degree requirements, they will receive two bachelor of science degrees in mechanical engineering: one from OU and one from CCUT.

To help ease the transition of CCUT students to the United States educational system and to American culture, some of the courses will be taught at CCUT by OU professors.

Said Oakland University School of Engineering and Computer Science Dean Louay Chamra: "I believe that OU students will benefit as much as the CCUT students as they will perform projects and laboratories assignments with international students thus increasing their global awareness and knowledge."   Other goals of the agreement include additional cooperation between the two universities, increasing the international standing of each university and promoting friendship between China and the U.S.

Future plans include expansion of the undergraduate program to other majors, a joint master's degree in science program, and enhanced research cooperation between faculty.

Mechanical Engineering Professor Laila Guessous will be the first OU professor to teach at CCUT in the summer of 2013.

"I have been deeply impressed by the dedication of the CCUT faculty and administration to make this program a success," Guessous said. "I am sure I will learn as much from the CCUT professors as they learn from me."

Initial demand for the program by CCUT students has been high. In the current semester, 135 students have enrolled in the program and will transfer to OU in the fall of 2014.

For further information on the program please contact program coordinators Gary Barber at (248) 370-2184 or and Lian Yang at (248) 370-2283 or

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