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Bikini Team Struggles To Spell Mayweather [VIDEO]

By: Evan Jankens

I know I will get backlash for admitting I am a fan of Floyd Mayweather. In my defense, I'm not a fan of him as a person but for the way he fights.

You can't deny his 48-0 record. Known as "The Best Ever," Mayweather held a party in Dallas, Texas, promoting himself.

A bikini team was on hand to help promote Mayweather and, well, they were a little disorganized to say the least.

The girls came out holding sparklers and the letters set to spell out Mayweather. That didn't go as planned. They weren't lined up right and ended up spelling, "EATHMT'.

They eventually did manage to get it right.

According to

Plus, we're told Floyd -- in classic Mayweather form -- bought over 20 bottles of Champagne for his TMT crew to sip on all night.

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