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Two Rabid Skunks Found In Royal Oak

ROYAL OAK (WWJ) - There is a rabies alert in Royal Oak. 

Police say they've found two rabid skunks on Maxwell and Dewey streets, in the 12 Mile and Crooks neighborhood.  Police say the skunks were euthanized.

Health officials say the best way to avoid rabies to stay away from stray and wild animals. 

Many have heard the term "mad dog syndrome" which describes an animal changing its behavior dramatically as rabies sets in, and despite the name, it applies to any animal with rabies.

According to a skunk may have dilated pupils and be extremely irritable. It will not hesitate to attack anyone or anything, employing its teeth and its claws. Rabid skunks will have no fear of other animals or human beings.

If you suspect a rabid skunk in your area know that they will go after your pets.

Noises will aggravate the skunk, and many skunks will eat or try to chew objects such as sticks, grass and stones when in this state states the website e-how.

For more visit the Humane Society wildlife information site.

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