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Safe Way To Kill Bedbugs

It's a non-toxic way of getting rid of bed bugs. Larry Smith, President of BioGreen Solutions in Bloomfield Hills, says they kill the pesky critters by raising a room's temperature to about 130 degrees.

"We essentially bake a room. What it does is the heat penetrates all the nooks and crannies, crevices of a room, and the bugs come out around 96, 98 degrees. And their waxy coating essentially melts and they dehydrate," said Smith.

Smith tells WWJ the treatment is safe for people, pets, furniture, and clothes.

But Smith says when it comes to getting rid of the bugs, they follow some very strict rules to make sure they don't come back.

"For example, in a dorm, everybody says, 'Okay, I'm leaving, I'll take my backpack.' Well, you might have a hitchhiker on your backpack. We treat. When you come back, you simply reintroduce. So again, there are very strict protocols that are followed so we make reintroduction a little bit difficult," said Smith.

For more information, click here or call 1 (888) 247-8889.

 (Copyright 2010 WWJ Radio. All Rights Reserved.)

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