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Skyrocketing Gas Prices Hurting Commuters

FARMINGTON (WWJ) - With gas prices at or above the $3.50 mark across parts of Metro Detroit, is it time to consider a new way to get to-and-fro?

WWJ's Ron Dewey stopped by a commuter lot located across from a Sunoco station at the intersection of Nine Mile and Farmington roads in Farmington, where the price at the pump has Pat Bloom of Warren at a disadvantage. He told Ron he needs to drive crosstown to his job in Farmington. His car requires Premium Unleaded, the most expensive at the pump and, unfortunately, his work situation doesn't make public transportation or car pooling a viable option.

"I would if I had someone that lived close to me that works over on this side of town, but ... most of the guys over here work on this side of town, live on this side of town, so it's tough for me," Bloom said.

Bloom figures the current price at the pump of just under $3.50 a gallon costs him an extra $8.00 a week to fill the tank.

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