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The 5 R's Of Math

Students faced with the daunting task of studying for algebra or calculus or any level of math exam should learn the five Rs of math.

They are: 1.) Recopy the work. Copy all theorems, principles and definitions without condensing and copy the instructors' explanation, too. 2.) Rework model problems over and over until they can be completed without stopping. 3.) Recite – out loud – to explain each step of the problem-solving process. Suggestion: pets make good listeners. 4). Recheck work, and 5.) test for Reasonableness.

This means ensure that the answer makes sense. Students enrolled in college math courses need to block out at least 2 hours of math homework for every hour of class time.

Applying these study tips should help them tackle the tough math problems for a rewarding passing grade pay off!

Content provided by the  Oakland University Academic Skills Center

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