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How To Grow A Greener Home

Xeriscaping (zeer-i-skay-ping), which means "dry landscaping," is becoming more popular as homeowners determine they want to have environmentally friendly lawns and gardens.

On this first day of spring, consider some greener landscape alternatives this growing season. Include your kids in the process so they can see how your family can be green, inside and out.

Follow these 4 steps of xeriscaping. #1. Add 3 to 5 inches of compost – organic material that's made of natural waste like dead leaves and banana peels – to the top of the soil. Worked into the soil it will nourish the plants so they begin to grow.

#2. Trimmed down gardens need water as they start to sprout but they don't need as much as you think. Install a special tool called a drip emitter to slow down water usage. #3. Spread mulch like wood chips or stone around plants to keep water from evaporating. This is a big component of dry landscaping. And, finally, look at your grass. It uses a lot of water.

Consider stone or brick walkways to cover some of the lawn and limit the amount you have to water … and you'll use less green to pay your water bills, too!

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